Monday, April 4, 2011

.this is not at outdoor ed, this is now.

May 21, 1994

Dear Diary,

I like Scott as a friend. But you still can't tell anyone. I have written a lot of pages in my diary. I hope no one reads this. I just woke up a half hour ago, 7:00. It is a saturday morning and I am tired! We have to get out early 'cause my mom has to get her hair cut. I forgot to mention Outdoor Ed in March. you want to hear about it? Okay! In March, we went on a bus trip to Cottontail Ranch, where Outdoor Ed was being held. My counselors name was Alissa. She was nice. We made visors, and I still have mine. At Outdoor Ed we watched a movie about the Lorax. The Lorax is this little guy trying to save the earth. One quote is "I am the Lorax, I speak for the trees!" At the end we also had a talent show. Our group did excersising a weird way. Shannon T was the top of the body and I was the legs. And we did excersises. Also at the end of Outdoor Ed, we had a square dance. I got to dance with Wes, Shannon got to dance with Daniel, Christina got to dance with her cousin Mike Milliotti, and Kristine got to dance with Jason. That is what i was telling you about last night. He was jealous cause he didn't get to dance with me, Wes did. Then they got into a fight and were not speaking to each other. Now they are friends. I think Mark Taylor thinks I don't like him. This is not at Outdoor Ed, this is now. But I do like Mark Taylor. He doesn't believe me. Oh well! Gotta go.

Love, Meagen

**notes from the awkward author:

-whoa. first of all, who did i think i was? "mark taylor was so jealous because wes got to dance with me"...i apparently had a very high opinion of myself.
-i had 4 boyfriends that year. mark taylor, daniel dregne, mike nickeas, and wes rundle. and by boyfriends, i mean we all played together at recess and i got nervous around all of them.
-i remember alissa writing in my outdoor ed book how i was going to be a "heartbreaker" when i grew up because of all my men. like i've said before, i think i peaked in 5th grade.
-exercising is still a difficult word for me to spell
-teehee. the lorax.

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