Thursday, March 17, 2011

.10 thoughts on thursday.

1. i could absolutely live off of mozzarella/tomato/basil paninis for the rest of my life. that or pizza. cheese is the common theme here....

2. there is such a thing as wearing "too much" green.

3. i feel kind of patriotic/nostalgic being in NY on st paddys day. i know it's not as big of a celebration in ireland, but being here knowing my ancestors were here drinking it up in hell's kitchen in the 1880s....kind of cool. o'carrolls!

4. i don't understand how a lot of people have the jobs they do...and continue to keep them.

5. there are few things better than an irish car bomb.

6. i know i'm getting old when i refused an irish coffee this morning because "i had to do a lot of work." 24 year old meagen would have drank it. even 26 year old meagen. sigh. and the race to 30 continues...

7. autumn is going to have her baby in less than 3 months. AHHHHHH.

8. i still like writing on whiteboards as much as i did in elementary school when they starting replacing all the chalkboards.

9. conference calls are stupid.

10. when i videochat, i end up looking at myself most of the time. insecurity, narcissism, or reckless honesty?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

.keep it comin love.

whatever this feeling is, i like it. x

Friday, March 4, 2011


it's really funny seeing a movie set in new york city...when you're in new york city. as soon as the character turns a corner around a recognizable building, or the camera slow pans over central park, or rests for a moment on an iconic sign there's a rush of whispers in the movie audience "oooh, that's union square"..."did you see? that's the building where i work." it's so funny to me since we all live here...why do we feel the need to point it out? yet, i was totally guilty of squealing "coffee shop!" in a satisfied whisper during the adjustment bureau. i guess it's that warm sense of common familiarity. it's nice.

and what about the adjustment bureau? i liked it. and i'm not giving anything away by commenting on it, as we all knew it was god-like intervention and not like...aliens or monsters or anything....right? hopefully. but it's an interesting argument to think about. nature vs nurture. free will vs fate. do we choose our paths in life, or are they mapped out for us? perhaps a combination of both?

earlier this week i played my favorite game called "let's read my old journals and see where i was on this day...6.7.8 etc years ago." i've kept journals all my life (hence the occasional childhood diary posts), and since 2001 have kept various online journals, often losing interest in one and starting another. i've got quite a bitchin' cyberlife. but anyway, the point is that on october 27th, 2004 in my 4th year of college, i wrote this:

i've decided to graduate in june with a degree in nutritional science, and a minor in psychology as planned. i've also recently decided i'm not going to attend graduate school....yet. i'm just not ready. nutrition isn't my passion and there is no reason to waste money to specialize in something that i'm not exactly sure that i want to end up doing for the rest of my life.

so i've decided [almost randomly, but not entirely] that i'd like to try working in advertising for a while. i've been researching. and they usually accept all majors...with little to no experience. and i can write. i can work in groups. i'm enthusiastic. and i want to move to LA. to experience life. to make money. to be close to my family. to figure out what my passion really is. and maybe i'll find it out there.

eventually, i want to move to new york city. and live in an apartment and work maybe in an advertising firm out there. but not yet. i need some time to figure things out on my own. and it's not going to be easy. and it's going to be a lot of money, and effort. but i'm ready to put in the effort. because i'm happy about this decision.

weird right? they say that if you put it out there in the universe, things will happen. and all of that did. who knew that because i met a boy on a skiing trip, i was introduced to a band he knew who had just moved to california to try and make it big. and this band got signed to capitol records. and i made a friend on a tour bus who introduced me to a friend of hers from college. this friend had an internship at warner brothers records, and got me one too. from there, they recommended a temp agency specializing in entertainment. i went to work for a company that edited commercials. advertising. the company went through changes, and offered to move me to new york city. and here i am. all of my dreams came true.

so then. did i choose this path or was i destined to be here? who knows. but i guess the better question is...where do i want to go from here?


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

.end rant.

5 thoughts for wednesday

1. when 2 of the same catalogs come to my apartment, addressed to me and the former tenant, why does it always feel more correct to read the one that is addressed to me?

2. who was the genius who ordered trash pickup in my apartment building monday morning at 5am and recycling every other tuesday morning at 5am? every time i hear a stray glass bottle clank down the stairs, i'm this much closer to unleashing some "violent love" sheen on them.

3. speaking of sheen, for 3 days i was super into it. on the 4th day i just started to feel weird that the media was enabling his rants. not to say i won't be quoting his mania for months. bi-winning. genius.

4. i'm realizing everyday, i'm becoming more like my mother. she always has a knack for knowing what we have when we're sick. i think that comes from raising 5 kids. when i started to feel sick on monday, i knew it was tonsilitis before i went to the mirror with a flashlight.

5. every teenager should be required to watch teen mom. period.