Wednesday, January 12, 2011

.white winter hymnal.

yesterday in new york city, all anyone could talk about was the storm. i kept hearing words like NOR'EASTER. STORMWATCH 2K11. BLIZZARD. and the numbers kept fluctuating. 6-8 inches. 6-10 inches. 8-14 inches. 2 feet! bloomberg kept talking about his 15 point plan of action to attack the storm head on. the media was hyping the storm like it was the second coming of lebron james to nyc (credits to eddie berrang on that reference).

as i walked home from work to change for my nightly workout, the air was dry and cold, and the sky was ominous. i thought "should i stop for bread and milk on the way home? am i going to get snowed in?" i've never been through a said "nor'easter." should i be scared?

it started snowing while i was looking out over delancey street, on the treadmill at the gym. 9:06 mins on the treadmill, small flakes at first. 15:12 mins, big fluffy flakes began to drop from the sky. and as i increased my speed to 6.5, the wind came. i could see it blowing through the trees, and blowing the snow into scrunched, judging, new york faces.

i holed up in my apartment after that, happily eating my falafel wrap from three monkeys (omgredsauceinmymouth), and wearing my really ugly but really comfortable sweatpants while the heat comforted my chilly exterior. and later, as i snuggled under the covers, i looked out onto essex street and watched the snow accumulate...and then plowed away by bloombergs overreaction. at 1am. i say let it snow, but i guess i'm overruled.

unfortunately, this "nor'easter" was a total disappointment. this morning, instead of greeted by pristine white blankets of snow, by 9am the mound outside my apartment was black and slushy and it was business as usual. but i guess that's new york for you.

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